I'm back. It's been a while and this post is not on women...mostly.
Life as a traveling Contractor
There is a lot to be learned going into peoples' homes and businesses on a daily basis. From the lower class areas of town to the richest people in a metropolis you see it all. Here is some observations that might warrant an expanded post or two on the nature of people in general.
1)Black people I know, you're expecting some racist rant, but I suppose that immediate assumption says more about your intuition of our society than anything I can write. For starters, nearly everyone believes that you are there to service them. Not in an employee-employer relationship, but in a you do things for me because I exist as that is how everything else in my life works. This society has in many ways created sociopaths out of them as they see others as mere objects in their lives to be exploited or used in some way.
For starters, every phone call involves some variation of reading their mind. They cannot explain a simple situation or what they need done. If they want a big load of trash hauled away, they cannot give you a size estimate. If you ask for a pic, that is too much work. If they need moving help, they literally can't be bothered past a few sentences to make sure we understand each other. Any price quoted is like you are robbing them. They literally cannot comprehend how real economics works so anything over $20 is a bridge too far. Their house are universally filthy in some way or another. I've been in homes where trash was everywhere. I mean everywhere. They had maggots in the kitchen. I've been to homes where they decided that walking ten feet to the trash was too hard so simply dumped it behind the couch. For months... 50% of my home clearouts are due to a black person leaving and not taking any of their stuff with them. They ruin fixtures and walls. Everything is sticky. After a while, no matter how open you are, you kind of turn off when one calls you as there is going to be a problem.
2)poor white people This can go either way. SOmetimes they have the cleanliness issues of above, but at least can communicate what they need done. They also understand what costs what and are usually agreeable to terms as they just figure everything is going to be expensive. SOmetimes they tip well. I'm a pretty big guy and one time some redneck half joked that he wasn't going to pay me excepting for how big I was. He was 20 short and wound up giving me something in trade. The houses I go to like this that have a daughter with a black boyfriend/baby daddy are literally depressed beyond all measure and going through the motions.
3)middle class whites These can be the best clients or the worse. Some of them are so status obsessed that they can barely enjoy life. Others are penny pinchers. Others will literally tip you better than anyone. Generally good communication wise and universally safe.
4)Rich whites
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